Soft Washing vs. pressure washing
Let’s learn a little bit more about the cleaning business.
Using a combination of detergents and cleaning chemicals to kill organic growth that can either be on a roof, vinyl siding, or fences. Soft washing is the best way to clean your roof and your vinyl siding. It’s also a method that isn’t well known to a homeowner. Usually a homeowner thinks they need to use pressure to get the mold off their house. Too much pressure actually isn’t good for your house or fence and can cause damage. It can warp your vinyl siding or cause water to get behind the siding. Using the cleaning detergents to kill the organics before lightly rinsing it off the siding is the way to go.
The word “pressure” says it all. But just because we also use pressure in some of the cleaning methods, we know the surfaces that we can use a little pressure if we need to in order to get the surface clean. Concrete is the most prime example of a surface that you can pressure wash. However, even with pressure you should still use detergents to help. Most of the time our customers will say they “just used pressure” to remove whatever mold or stain they have. When you just use pressure and don’t actually kill the mold first, you’re not completely cleaning what you want to clean. If you don’t kill the organic growth, it’s going to spread.